Difference between Web application, Web server and web Hosting and its types?

What is Web Application

Web application, which is accessed by user by web browsers is called web application (e. g. google.com).
Web application install on web server, which run through Internet Information Services (IIS) and access by internet using Web browser (chrome, internet explorer etc. ).
We can also use many technology to build web application like Java, PHP etc.
Web Application client server architecture process
Web Application Process

what is web server

Web server is a computer which use to store or host website or any web content on the internet, and delivers them to the end-user's device which can be access by domain name (url) of the website of web-content.
Web server also provide facilities how web users access hosted files, at minimum an HTTP server.
If a user sends a request for any web page, the web server crawl that mean search for the requested user web page, if requested page is found it will send immediately it to client with an HTTP response, or if requested page is found than send HTTP response "Page Not Found Error" (404 Error!).
Web server to handle multiple client requests at the same time by Multiple Processing, Multiple Thread etc.
Web servers serving email, downloading, requests for any File Transfer Protocol (FTP) files, and publishing Web pages.
Web Server Architecture Process
Web Server Process

e.g 1. If you need to have a lot of computers running at once you should get a web server to make sure work smoothly..
     2. The local bank's web server had crashed, and its clients could not log into their accounts or access their money all weekend.

Web Server available today are

Internet Information Services (IIS)
Sun Java System Web Server
Apache HTTP Server
Apache Tomcat
Nginx (pronounced engine X) from NGNIX
Novell's NetWare server
Google Web Server (GWS)

what is web-Hosting

Web hosting is a kind of service that permit an organizations and individuals user to post a website or web page onto the Internet means making a website available to public worldwide.
When an internet user want to view a website or a web page, first, he need a website address (domain i.e url). By using url , he can request for web page that connect to the server and your web pages will be delivered to him through the browser(chrome, Mozilla, Intent explorer etc. ).
Web Hosting And Its Type
Web Hosting And Its Types

Web Hosting Compny

Hosting Raja


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